Relating as beneficent space
New writing: “Relating as beneficent space.”
A Vajrayana Buddhist approach to relationship, coauthored with my spouse, who is teaching a course on that now. I’ve been kibbitzing, and we wrote this together.
It’s a practical application of Vajrayana principles to unstick stuck patterns of personal interaction.
The writing queue
I’ve mostly been thinking about adult stage theory (although I am supposed to be revising my AI book for a paperback/Kindle edition). Last week’s email listed possible upcoming writing, and it mentioned “half a dozen” essays about that.
I’ve found more. I thought you might find some titles intriguing…
Software engineers are eating the world
The circumrational shantytown
What is stage theory good for?
Lag: an ontological remodeling
The past, present, and future of stage theory as science
Multi-systematicity vs. meta-systematicity
A genial criminal
The romance of the outlaw… and the lover
Unavailable dakini catalyst
The people demand dead trees! Some people, anyway.
I am making slow but steady progress on the AI book revision. It’s boring, and also my motivation is stretched thin because I’m not sure it’s a good use of time. It depends on how many people read the paperback/Kindle versions who wouldn’t read the web one. In order of magnitude terms, if it’s a hundred additional readers, the several full-time weeks’ work it takes to produce Official Books will have been wasted. If it’s a thousand… probably worthwhile? Although most of my web pages eventually get more than that. If ten thousand… yep, super glad to do it.
I have no idea which of these is most likely. This is a test. People often say they want a paperback/Kindle version of something I’ve written, but I don’t know whether that’s a very vocal group of a hundred people, or if there’s ten thousand more who skip the web but would read a conventional book.
So if Better without AI sells a hundred copies… there will be no more of that. If it’s a thousand or more… it will be easier to do the next book, having figured out the process.